Miscellaneous Items and Services on Sale and Wanted Classifieds


    Shown below are all other items and services for sale and wanted in and around Ottawa
    Click on the classified ad title to view more details or to contact the ad poster.

    Title Price Date
    A donation of 750,000 €
    A donation of 750,000 €
    $ 750.00(Best Offer) - 17-Aug-2021
    Je m'appelle Madeleine Bonites, je suis belgo-slovaque, mais je vis actuellement en France car j'ai souffert d'une malad ....

    $ 750.00
    (Best Offer)

    A donation of 750,000 €
    A donation of 750,000 €
    $ 750.00(Best Offer) - 17-Aug-2021
    Je m'appelle Madeleine Bonites, je suis belgo-slovaque, mais je vis actuellement en France car j'ai souffert d'une malad ....

    $ 750.00
    (Best Offer)


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