User Ads on Fort Wayne Classifieds

Shown below are the classified ads in Fort Wayne that are posted by a user who posted the ad "Summer sale up to 46% for all brands".
Please click a classified ad for more details or to reply to it.

Title Price Date
Summer sale up to 46% for all brands
Summer sale up to 46% for all brands
(Best Offer) - 09-Aug-2016
Get set for SUMMER with up to 46% off for all 4 brands outdoor and indoor furniture. Our featured exclusive brands are Z ....

(Best Offer)

select best gift for your parents
select best gift for your parents
(Best Offer) - 05-Aug-2016
We may want to send our parents to an island vacation as show of our love and respect. But all of us may not have the me ....

(Best Offer)

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